It is very important for us to know the first aid management for snake bite as it is quite common in rural areas and also in urban areas. There are several local practices regarding snake bite that are not scientific and actually harmful for the patients.
Late us know the first aid of snake bite.
- Reassure the patient as most of the snakes are non venomous .
- Keep the patient still. Excessive or unnecessary movement is harmful .
- Immediately apply a bandage by broad bandage or cloth strips over the bite site and above as much as possible with firm pressure.
- Be careful, do not occlude the circulation.
- Then immobilise the limb by splint.
- Instruct the patient not to move or use the limb.
- Maintain vital functions , that means - keep the airway patent, start intravenous fluid if possible .
- Bring the transport to the patient .
- If the snake has been killed, bring it with the patient. It will help the doctor to identify whether the snake is venomous or not .
- Do not waste time.
- Do not cut the wound.
- Do not suck the wound.
- Do not use a tourniquet.
- Keep the patient nothing per mouth. Do not give food.
- Take the patient to the nearest hospital.
- Do not take the patient to kobiraj.
The blog is very nice by having the detailed info regarding the snake bite and its first aid treatment which must to know by all the people for the best caring, Thank You.
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